Fishing the Fox River in De Pere, WI
Spring Walleyes on the Fox River
It’s January right now. No better time than now to prepare for spring walleye fishing. Or better yet, sit back, enjoy winter, and when the water opens up, give Captain Kirk a shout out. He’ll have everything ready to go to give you a chance at a fish of a lifetime.
USCG Captain Dan Kirk has all the gear and will be ready to take you out on the river. You’ll learn the finer aspects of vertical jiggling for big walleyes.
Spring fishing on the Fox in De Pere, WI is catch and release only!
(a trophy of 28″ + can be kept)
Heading out on your own? Make sure you have some 3/8 ounce jigs. Chartreuse is always a good color. Bring along some minnows. And Captain Kirk recommends you have some 3 inch Gulp! minnows too. Too often you can’t go wrong with Gulp! minnows.
“It’s very important that you keep a tight line when vertical jigging. Too often I see clients dropping the bait, back to the bottom after the lift, too quickly. If there is a bow in the line you won’t feel the fish hit.”

“Another vertical jigging mistake I see often is way too big of a lift. It doesn’t take much wrist or arm movement to lift the jig a foot to a foot and half off bottom before you begin the slow lower. Watch your rod tip. How high are you lifting it? 12 to 18 inches is a good starting point. Sometimes the bite requires even shorter. And sometimes a long pause at the top of the lift is the trigger.”
“When you get out on the water, the first thing to do is locate some fish. Use your electronics. Then find out what depth they actually bite. Then mess with baits and jig colors to really fire up the bite.”
Keep your eye on the weather and schedule a guide trip with Captain Kirk. Call or text 920-722-1881. He has dates available in March and April for your chance at some fat females. Just so you’re aware, no walleyes under 28″ can be kept at this time. The spawning run is protected, however the DNR is nice and allows us to catch and release fish.
Captain Kirk is your charter fishing guide for walleyes on the Fox River in spring and fall.
He teaches the art of jig fishing. Vertical jigging is the most popular choice this time of year however, casting and dragging jigs are also options. So you get the attention you deserve, Captain Kirk only takes out one or two guests at a time.
Are you ready to beam aboard?
Call or text today: 920-722-1881